Columbia Gorge Affordable Homes

Find that right style for you


BEDS : 1
BUILT BY : Cavco
SQ FT : 384
W x L : 11 x 32


BEDS : 1
BUILT BY : Cavco
SQ FT : 398
W x L : 11 x 34

Free land survey

How can you make a decision on purchasing a home if you don’t have all the facts? Call now and have one of our trained experts come inspect your home site for free!

Price Check?

Model : 12321T

Please fill out the info and we will respond to your inquiry shortly.  Thank your for your time.  You can also call to get a quote.

Let us build your next home

We are looking forward to helping you achieve the dream of owning your next home.  Before that we need to get enough information to help you with your purchase.